Sunday, October 30, 2011

Cheater Eater, Puh-kin Eater

Cheater eater, puh-kin eater... Well that's how Pepper says it anyway.

A number of weeks ago a very kind and generous farmer donated about 30 pumpkins to our church's fall party for free.

 The deal was, we could have them as long as we picked them ! 

It was fun, we got a little dirty but boy did our car get even dirtier.  
We had little bugs, spiders and lots of dirt all over the inside of the car.  A day later while riding in the car Basil let us know with a loud scream that a decent sized, very ugly, very hairy spider had taken up residence about a foot away from her... I don't blame her for screaming, I think Noah should have squished the remaining spiders on the ark.... well, not really, from what I understand that could have really thrown the balance of the ecosystem off, but they're still ugly !

Needless to say Salt totally cleaned out and vacuum the whole car the next weekend :-)
He's a good man !

I am surprised the shocks on our little Honda Accord didn't bust because only a few of the pumpkins were as small as the ones you see in the pictures, most of them were full size 15lb-ers !!
At the fall party there was lots food, friends and fellowship going on.

The famous "J. Tizzle Sizzle" hot sauce our pastor makes

 The older men talking to the younger...

Children playing and having fun...

complete with a pinata... 

And of course pumpkins...

Lots and lots of pumpkins... 

Each carefully decorated and personalized by it's owner.

I am so grateful for our church, the love, friendship and community within is like nothing we have experienced before.


Later my family decorated our own pumpkins at home.
Excited and ready...

You can see Salt is overjoyed with the prospect of getting his hand all slimy
and messy..not exactly his thing, but he loves his family so he does it anyway :-)

Gettin' her Picasso on...

Not a great picture of Pepper but his pumpkin shows his severe lack of appreciation for anything artistic, he kept asking to get down... fun wrecker. 

But then Salt slathered a bunch of paint on Pepper's pumpkin and had him spread it around so there was more then a few splotches...thankfully he very willingly cleaned him up :-) 

 Pepper's pumpkin is on the left and Basil's is on the right, you can sort of see a face painted on there.

The menacing looking pumpkin on the left is Salt's, he named it Terrifying Terry.
My pumpkin is on the right, his name is Billy Bucktooth.


Spending time together with Salt and the kids is just about my favorite thing to do, the Lord has blessed me with a wonderful husband who enjoys being a father and two little kiddos who make me smile and laugh each and every day, especially when Pepper loudly accuses Basil of being a "cheater eater puh-kin eater"

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